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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu júna 30, 2014

Elegantna kazdy den / Elegant every day

Ak tuzite byt elegantna a neodolatelna kazdy den, prinasam niekolko uzasnych inspiracii... * If you want to be beautiful and elegant every day please watch these some amazing inspirations... Images via Pinterest

Fantasticka nordicka horska chata / Fantastic nordic cottage

Tato nadherna horska chata sa nachadza v norskom Flå, je to nadherna turisticka oblast, kde sa da ist ako v zimnom, tak aj v letnom obdobi. Chata je velmi dobre prerobena, velky doraz sa kladol na vyuzitie kvalitneho norskeho dreva. K tomu modra a biela farba a nadhera je na svete :) Mna dostala svojou krasnou atmosferou a samozrejme drevom, ktore milujem.  Vam sa co paci na tejto chate? Prajem krasny pondelok aj napriek tomu, ze je uprsany! Lucia Albertine * This beautiful cottage is located in norwegian Flå. It is lovely tourist center where you can go during winter and summer too. The cottage is renovated very nicely, we can see here quality norwegien wood. I love this styling, the bleu and white color with dark wood is excellent choice...:) And I have to say that this nordic atmosphere is so stunning... What do you love in this nice cottage? Have a nice Monday! Lucia Albertine Images via Interiormagasinet

Dalsi DIY projekt / Another DIY project

Dobre rano! A zase tu mame pondelok, pre mna trosku tazsi den kvoli minulotyzdnovej dovolenke, ale hadam to nejako zvladnem :) No ale ked som videla tento DIY projekt, hned som zabudla, aky je den. Je to vynikajuca dekoracia, vyzera viac nez skvelo a nase zrucne polovicky by nam ho mohli spravit, len ja by som naozaj mala dilemu, ci ho mam dat na balkon alebo do interieru.... Prajem uspesny start do noveho pracovneho tyzdna! Lucia Albertine * Good morning! And Monday is here again, this day is for me a little bit difficult because I had holiday last week. I hope it will be OK :) When I saw this DIY project I have better mood. This decoration is absolutely fantastic, it looks great and our husbands will make it for us. But I don't know where I can place it.... on the balcony or in the interior... I wish you successful start of new working week! Lucia Albertine Images via BoligLiv