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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu apríla 30, 2015

Geometricke tvary v interieri / Geometric shapes in the interior

...geometricke tvary vyzeraju neskutocne v kazdom jednom interieri....dokazu vytvorit zaujimavu atmosferu, ci uz sa nachadzaju na vankusoch, kobercoch alebo visia na stene :) ...tento byt je na ne bohaty, je krasny a zaujimavy.... to sice mensi byt, ale aj ostatne casti stoja za povsimnutie, najma kuchyna,  ktora ma uchvatny styl a smrnc :) * ...geometric shapes look unbelievable in each interior....these lovely shapes create interesting atmosphere and it can be used everywhere...on the pillows, carpets or on the wall.... this flat has also another nice and interesting rooms... the kitchen is fantastic with stunning domestic style :) Images via Lundin

Uzasny design obuvnickej firmy / Amazing design of firm for shoes

...nemecka firma Birkenstock je znamou firmou vo svojom obore....tak ako kvalita ich vyrobkov je vysoka, tak aj redesign firmy prebehol tiez na urovni....  ...ja ocenujem, ze firma Brandherm + Krumrey Interior Architecture siahla po kvalite dreva a samozrejme aj po krasnych kuskoch nabytku, takze vysledok musi byt len a len uzasny :) * ....german firm Birkenstock is very famous and good company with high quality....they decided to changed interior design of firm.... I love the work of Brandherm + Krumrey Interior Architecture because they used wood and nice pieces of furniture and the company is fabulous... Images via Interior Design